Strikethrough hotkey
Strikethrough hotkey

strikethrough hotkey

you can simply highlight the text you want to strikethrough, and then you can select.


While implementing auto-checkboxes may take some real developer time, doing a Strikethrough toolbar button or hotkey (or both) shouldn't be that big of a deal. The keyboard shortcut for PC no longer works, at least inside an. No, thanks, to either approach at this time. If you're like me and don't keep Evernote open all the time, then using the fonts windoid is additionally complicated by having to reopen it on every program launch. In the default view used by Outlook for IMAP accounts, this has the consequence that 'deleted' messages are displayed grayed out and with a strike-through line.


Once the cells are selected, use the Excel strikethrough shortcut key, Ctrl+5. How to strikethrough text hotkey in outlook email how to Reply All to an email message: To Reply A.

strikethrough hotkey

Select & click/hotkey should be all it takes, which it does on the Windows version. Steps for strikethrough using the Excel shortcut key are as follows: First, select the cells in which we need the strikethrough format. If Evernote had such auto-placement features, then using checkboxes would be much more attractive.įurther, even with the Fonts windoid open, there's still too many clicks involved to use the Strikethrough effect. This is true in CP Notebook even when pasting in plain text from another application, ie, the pasted text automatically acquires checkboxes at the start of each new line.

strikethrough hotkey

In other applications, such as Circus Ponies Notebook, even MS Word, one can start a bullet list where the bullets ARE the checkboxes, completely automatically - no need to place the checkbox, it's just there at the start of the line from the get-go. This isn't so bad for a 5-point list, but if you're setting up a 300-line process script, then no, this isn't a good way to go. For power users, hotkeys are essential to. Specifically to your alternatives:Ĭheckboxes are hampered by the fact that you must manually place each one with either the hotkey or the tool button. Id also really, really, really like to see hotkey/shortcut accessibility for both strikethrough and highlight. Unfortunately, other applications which DO have the features to fill this need don't have that special online, cross-platform ju-ju that Evernote has or I'd go back to using one of those others. While "completely worthless" is over the top, your suggested alternatives are not all that viable for heavy use, either. Or it could be that Evernote is "Completely worthless" and in that case you will be better off with another application. You could use a checkbox, or if it's something you do a lot you could keep the fonts window open.

Strikethrough hotkey